MEDISDIH takes advantage of skills and experience gained in the coordination of relevant Research and Innovation Projects that have led to the digitization of production processes of several technologically advanced partner companies, able to oversee global markets. In this way MEDISDIH aims to support all manufacturing companies of Apulian Territory in operating a digital transition at their measure. The main aim is to increase added value of companies products/processes in order to boost their competitiveness on the market.
In supporting Apulian SMEs, MEDISDIH can count on the collaboration of its highly skilled Partners and of the National Competence Centers to ensure that the digital innovations implemented by the companies of the territory could have the gaze already turned to those of the near future.
As a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), MEDISDIH offers the following services:
- orientation, awareness and training on I4.0 technological opportunities
- assessment of digital maturity level
- supporting SMEs in the analysis of needs, opportunities and I4.0 technological options
- support in conceiving and planning Industry 4.0 projects
- access to national and European Competence Centers
- collaboration with national technology clusters
- legal, tax, business modelling and evaluation of investments 4.0
- access to public and private funding, regional, national and European
- interaction with European DIHs